Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

The structure of interactive laser pointer

Different from the ordinary green laser pointer, the output intensity is significantly higher than the general brightness of the red interactive laser pointer several times or more. Pointing a green laser pointer at a light spot in the night sky, you can see a bright green light penetrating the sky. Astronomers can use it to refer to the stars, which is also called "finger needle roll". It penetrates the sky at night, allowing you to find what you want among the complex daytime stars in a vast sky guide. Safety Guidelines for Astronomical Lasers-Although a laser is a great tool for astronomers, the beam can be very dangerous if the laser is used improperly. Do not use lasers on airplanes, or even when the airplanes are in the air.

The green laser pointer is now the most popular interactive laser pointer in the world, because the green light beam is 6 times clearer than the red light beam, and the price is much cheaper than the blue-yellow beam. The user usually uses a green laser pointer. Therefore, they are visible during the day and from a distance, which makes them more sought after by people. In complete darkness, the range of the green laser pointer can reach about 12,000 feet! For people with pure power, especially young people aspire to have one. After the correct selection of lens power, output power and aiming distance, this laser alignment will produce the best line generation results for a given working distance.

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