Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

What is the use of laser pointer from space?

Green Laser Pointer: The green laser pointer appeared on the market around 2000 and is the most common DPSS laser (also known as frequent-doubling diode pumped, solid-state DPSSFD). They are more complex than standard red laser Pointers because laser diodes are not common in this wavelength range. Green light is produced in an indirect process, starting with a high-power (usually 100-300 mw) infrared gallium aluminum arsenide diode (AlGaAs) laser operating at 808nm. Pumped at 808 nm light, yttrium crystals doped with neodymium provanadate (Nd: YVO4 or Neodymium doped yttrium aluminium garnet (Nd: YAG) or, less commonly, lithium fluoride doped with lithium. Neodymium (Nd: YLF)), where LASES penetrate deeper into the infrared at 1064 nm. This laser emission is due to an electron transition in the fluorescent neodymium ion Nd (III) present in all of these crystals.

As I mentioned earlier, green laser pointer don't always work well in cold weather, so they always need to be warmed up. Since the laser pointer works well in ambient temperatures of at least 20 degrees, or it appears to be a weak light at first, it is normal that the actual output power of the laser pointer is not bright enough. Therefore, it is always necessary to know how to use a laser pointer, and feel free to use this gadget. Before using this gadget, it is necessary to adjust the working conditions and let your laser pointer have fun.

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