Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer


There are a few points to keep in mind when considering optimal power and beam color for maximum effect. Usually, the 532nm green Laser Pointer is the brightest color of the human eye. This means that at the same output, the raven laser pointer is five to seven times brighter than any other color. That is, a 200mW green laser is five to seven times brighter than a 200mW laser of other colors. Therefore, it is usually necessary to use green lasers with high power, or conversely, use blue lasers with power above 1000 mW. This completes the work for dawn, dusk, night, and day scenes. Red proved to be very effective at fending off flocks of more than 500 birds at a time.

Typically, the drive crow laser designator is 5-7 times brighter than other visible lasers, but has the same mW output power. For clarity, a 100mW green laser is about seven times brighter than a 100mW blue or purple laser. This is because green is the brightest color to the human eye and is generally the brightest color, which is one of the reasons that plants and chlorophyll produce green. Green is very noticeable at night, in low light, fog or dusk (and in laser colors). The big difference is that it is very cost effective, providing more visibility at a lower cost and more suitable for daytime use.

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