Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

Super Laser And Super Fast Green Laser Pointer

In laser applications, there are mainly the following applications. The first aspect is the laser pointer application. Our current applications in lidar are mainly topological methods for environmental protection and monitoring. One project currently working with customers is aerosol monitoring. The second aspect is the ozone radar, which monitors the ozone layer. Another aspect is laser micromachining. Provide laser beam measurement solutions for large laser companies such as Han's Laser.
At present, the performance growth trend and profit performance of listed laser companies are very good. I believe that the entire laser industry will have some outbreaks in the next few years, especially in the field of environmental governance / environmental protection. Soil pollution can be cleaned up by laser. For example, some pesticides can be cleaned by super laser.

In the future, applications in ultra-strong lasers and ultra-fast green laser pointer will develop rapidly. The company is currently working with customers or developing some systems on its own. It is mainly for laser micromachining of ultrafast lasers. For example, semiconductor processing, repair of LCD display panels, etc., develop some laser processing systems with their own characteristics.
The application fields mainly include the following aspects. In the field of material analysis in scientific research, such as photoelectric materials, quantum efficiency of solar cells, and efficiency detection of LED phosphors. In the industrial or civil fields, such as food safety testing. In addition, the application of quality control and coating in the pharmaceutical production process. Laser cutting (monitor the plasma to analyze the effect of cutting), etc. These are our more advanced solutions.

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