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Detection And Collection Of Scientific Data?

Icarus Interstellar is a non-profit organization dedicated to the research of laser pointer science and technology that enables humans to truly interstellar in 2100. It is sponsored by the British Star Society and TauZero Foundation. Richard, a physicist and postdoctoral researcher Richard Obousy is the co-founder of the program. Although many researchers have discussed interstellar navigation for humans, this mission has not received much attention, because according to the current development of aerospace technology, interstellar travel and return missions require a considerable time span.

The human galaxy navigation mission involves the technical issues of the initial boost phase and cruise phase of the spacecraft. The next step will be the stage of deceleration and orbit before reaching the target celestial body, during which scientists will conduct scientific data detection and collect green laser pointer. Finally, the spacecraft will start the second phase of the afterburner propulsion segment, with the goal of returning to the solar system. After passing through the interstellar cruise in the acceleration segment, it will need to be decelerated and is now captured by the gravitational pull of the sun. The Icarus Interstellar Plan is a preview of future manned interstellar voyages. In principle, astronauts can safely return to Earth.

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