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The technical characteristics of lidar meet the needs of unmanned driving?

We can know that the laser pointer technical characteristics of lidar are gradually meeting the industrialization needs of the driverless field. After removing the redundant hardware configuration in the test phase. The cost is expected to be greatly reduced. Sensor application trend: similar combination, multiple combinations, scene innovation. The importance of sensors as the only input for intelligent equipment other than manual setting of parameters is self-evident. The sensor's ability to perceive the external environment determines the accuracy and richness of information input for smart equipment. Innovation for the effective application of sensors. It is often the basis for functional innovation of smart equipment. There are three main trends in the innovative application of smart equipment to sensors.

Combine similar sensors. Vertical and deep integration of a single function. In this case, the system often has extremely high demands on a single function. In order to meet the high complexity requirements of the system in a single function, similar sensors are organically combined. The formed redundant structure ensures the safety of the system in this function. For example, the perception system of driverless cars, the organic combination of a variety of vision and position sensors, form a redundant structure that complements each other. This ensures that the system can correctly and efficiently perceive the external environment in real time and make correct driving decisions. At this time, there is often a difference and connection between the dominant and auxiliary functions between sensors. The leading sensor is the core technical barrier for product realization.

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