Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

Laser Pen Converts Light Color At Single Photon Level?

False color scanning electron micrograph of a nano green laser pointer photon frequency converter. The converter contains a ring resonator, shaded in blue. A waveguide (red part) is used to inject light into the ring resonator. The input signal is represented by a purple arrow and is converted to a new frequency (blue arrow) by using two pump lasers (light red and dark red arrows).
Converting a single photon from one color or frequency to another color or frequency is an important tool in quantum communication. It uses the delicate relationship between the subatomic properties of photons (particles of light) to store and transfer information securely. Scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology have now developed a miniaturized frequency converter using techniques similar to those used to make computer chips.
This tiny device. Will help improve security and increase the working distance of next-generation quantum communication systems. It can be adjusted to suit a wide range of uses, it also makes it easy to integrate with other information processing components, and it can be mass produced.
This new laser pointer nanoscale optical-to-frequency converter effectively converts photons from one frequency to another while consuming only a small amount of power and adding a very low noise level, ie the background light is not correlated with the input signal.
The frequency converter is the key to solving two problems. The optimal frequency for a quantum system to generate and store information is often much higher than the frequency required to transmit this information over a distance of kilometers in fiber. Converting photons between these frequencies requires a frequency shift of hundreds of terahertz. One terahertz is equal to one trillion wave cycles per second.

The laser is one of the most important inventions of the 20th century. They have found various uses in electronics, computer hardware, medicine, and experimental science.

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