Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

The second generation of commonly used green laser pointers

532nm green diode. Later, they became available yellow-orange with a wavelength of 593.5 nm. In 2005, they moved into commercial blue lasers with a wavelength of 473 nanometers, and in 2010, the 405 nanometer lasers used in blue light technology were, in fact, second-generation green laser pointers. The power output by a green laser pointer is usually measured in milliwatts (mW). In the United States, lasers are classified by the American National Standards Institute [1] and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Visible laser pointers (400-700 nm) operating at less than 1 mW are Class 2 (II) and those operating at 5.1 mW are Class 3A (IIIa). Class 3B (IIIb) power is between 5 and 500 mW, while class 4 (IV) power is greater than 500 mW.

In the past decade, most high-power fiber lasers have been pumped by green laser diode sources. So far, the output power of the direct pump has reached 4-5 kilowatts. Each 1018nm fiber laser outputs about 400W of power from a 30/250 μm distribution fiber, which is directly spliced ​​to a combined pump fiber, that is, a 105/125 μm multimode (MM) fiber. Astronomical laser pointers are usually green beams, which is the vast majority, but there are other tools that use other light, such as stars, such as blue. In addition, the astronomical laser pointer should also have a long-distance function, which can ensure that you can point to more sky and have a better astronomical experience.

I want to buy a very powerful green high power laser pointer just to entertain and enjoy this wonderful light from all angles, but I really don't know what to choose...too many different models and prices. 125mw will be 2 times more expensive on the... This led the laser pointer manufacturers to develop this laser pointer, mainly to meet the needs of the market, as it gradually became popular in the market, more and more outdoor Explorers love the super power output of laser pointers, and they love using them as a protection and survival tool for their outdoor adventures. They are very important tools for outdoor adventures.

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