Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

What is the biggest difference between laser pointers

Although laser pointers are relatively common, many people still don't know much about laser pointer. What is a laser pointer? Many stationery stores around campuses can buy a toy called laser pointer. Because laser pointers can emit beautiful beams and have a particularly stylish appearance, they are very popular among elementary and middle school students. However, in recent years, accidental injuries caused by laser pointers More and more, many schools are vigorously promoting campus safety knowledge, the main purpose is to try to prevent students from hurting people with laser pointers.

Laser Pointer Blue Portable Efficient

How harmful is the toy laser pointer? If the power of the laser pointer is relatively large and it is exposed to the skin or eyes for a long time, it is easy to burn the skin, resulting in decreased vision and even blindness. What is a laser pointer for primary and middle school students? Actually, they don’t know much about it. Laser pointers are also called green laser pointer, pointing star pointers, etc. They are designed to be portable, easy to hold, and processed into laser modules (light-emitting diodes). Pen-shaped launcher.

It is usually used in reports, teaching, tour guides, etc. If the laser pointer obtained by elementary and middle school students has a relatively high power, it cannot be regarded as a toy, but should be regarded as a dangerous article. There are many types of laser pointers, from the color to red, green, blue, blue-violet, and infrared, ultraviolet and other special wavelength lasers. Secondly, according to the appearance, there are pen-type lasers and flashlight-type lasers. The biggest difference is the power. The price of the laser pointer varies greatly due to the power.

Baibai Safety Net reminds students not to injure themselves or other classmates while playing with laser pointers because of temporary curiosity. From a school perspective, students must also be prohibited from bringing laser pointers into campus, so as to avoid laser pointers. Unexpected incident that occurred due to the pen.

How much is the laser pointer and its danger
What is the principle of the laser pointer?