Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

Why should the laser pointer be used with caution?

When choosing a child's toy, check it carefully and make sure it has a laser. General laser products will be labeled with safety categories. Do not buy laser products above category 1 or unknown children's toys. Do not directly illuminate your eyes or observe the light beam through optical instruments (such as magnifying glass and binoculars). Parents should be present when removing or replacing laser toy display pattern molds. Do lasers damage the retina? The author interviewed relevant experts on relevant matters. Lasers are inherently dangerous. At present, most of the civil laser products such as stage laser lamp have not passed the safety certification, which can easily cause irreparable damage to people around.

Theatre staff also use high power laser pointer to show seats and warn of indecent behaviour. When night falls, people often sell lasers, which shoot directly into the air 100 meters away. During football matches, some fans use lasers to interfere with players. Lasers used on these occasions may cause eye damage, so the public should avoid using them.

The widely used laser is like a sharp double-edged sword. People use its directional light, high brightness, great energy and other characteristics to benefit the society; On the other hand, these features can cause damage to the eyes and skin if not protected in application. At present, all kinds of lasers are divided into the following four levels according to the power output and the degree of harm to the human body: low output laser power less than 0.4MW can ensure the safety of design, without special management; High power visible light lasers can make people dizzy, unable to think, and unable to look directly at the beam. If a laser beam of 1-500MW medium output power is directly directed into the eye, it will cause damage; Lasers with continuous output power greater than 500mW will not only cause harm to human body, but also may cause fire hazard. Diffuse reflection of light is also dangerous.

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