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3d Laser Crystal Engraving

Due to its high peak power when focused, high-brightness fiber lasers (200-600 watts, continuous wave, pulse modulation) or ultra-short pulse lasers can achieve this advanced engraving method. In addition to zinc, this high-brightness 3D Laser Crystal Engraving can also be used for engraving other materials, such as copper and ceramics. The image typesetting machine scanning process algorithm is suitable for many high-resolution 2D (printing) and 3D (printing) applications. Such as engraving RFID gravure roller.

Printed electronics is an upcoming new Laser Engraver technology. The high precision required by electronic components and circuits will set a new benchmark for the accuracy and uniformity of print output. Most organic and inorganic inks for conductors and semiconductors are pasty and difficult to print. For uniform, non-porous layering of these inks, precise control of cell geometry and surface texture of gravure plates is critical. Fig. 5C shows the engraving test of the RFID tag antenna, and the contour line width is only 10 microns.