Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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Good laser pointer for cats



So the next time you decide to give a lazy cat a workout, consider something less drastic, because the effects of laser games on cat health can't be ignored. When we became interested in laser games and the meaning of cats, we decided to find out. Below, we share our findings in the hope that you will understand the seriousness of using lasers to entertain your cat. Cats are known to be natural enemies, and while your cat may not be a tiger, they all have the same fire running through their bodies. The hunting instinct is what triggers your cat to chase the laser, and while it never gets caught is an issue throughout the game, we're more interested in why the trigger doesn't have a positive side.





The use of green laser pointer (LLP) for play and stimulation of species typical hunting behaviour is welcomed by many cat guardians. Interactive play between humans and cats using LLP appears to meet two of the five pillars of a healthy feline environment [1] : allowing for enjoyable shared interactions between human caregivers and their cats, and possibly providing opportunities for exercise typical of normal hunting behavior of species. Feline play using laser Pointers is popular with many cat chaperones. It can be a pleasant shared interaction and provide a workout for felines. However, laser games alone do not allow cats to complete hunting sequences, and it has been suggested that this may trigger frustration and stress, which is a common cause of obsessive behaviour.

2021-12-10 10:54:56

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