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Glass laser cutting technology and practical reasons



With the rapid development of electronic products, especially laptops, smart phones, LCD monitors, tablets, they are all moving towards thinner, lighter and lower manufacturing costs. These electronic products are inseparable from the glass plate. Currently, the thickness of glass panels on electronic products has dropped from 1.1mm to 0.6^0.7mm, and the thickness of glass panels on mobile phone screens has dropped to 0.3mm or less. The thinner the glass plate is, the more sensitive it is to the force, and the easier it is to break after impact, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty of cutting.





Blue laser pointer cutting glass method can be divided into two kinds in principle: one is melting (evaporation) cutting method, the other is crack control method. At present, cutting glass processing technology generally uses CO2 laser. When selecting the right laser, factors to consider include wavelength, output power, beam mode, flexibility, cost, reliability, and whether it is beneficial to system integration. The wavelength of the CO₂ laser is 10.6μm, and the glass can strongly absorb the laser at 10.6μm. Almost all of the laser energy is absorbed by the 15μm absorption layer on the glass surface, so the glass laser cutting system is equipped with a CO2 laser.

2021-09-23 12:41:57

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