Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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Laser Pointers are often very sensitive



In most cases, universal laser designators are used to point at objects at shorter distances. PowerPoint presentation or equation. Thus, the output of this type of laser designator is very limited/limited to 5MW (3A or IIIa class) or 10mW in some areas. Because of the laser pointer's low output and small opening, you can see that when you point it at empty space, astronomical observations only affect where it hits the surface. Therefore, these low-power laser designators are not useful for pointing at stars/planets like an astronomy club during observation sessions, as there is no surface to hit the beam and you can see the spots.





The apparent brightness of Rechargeable Laser Pointer beam spot depends on laser power, surface reflectance and color response of human eyes. For the same amount of light power, green lasers appear brighter than other colors because the human eye is most sensitive to low light levels in the green region of the spectrum (wavelengths 520-570 nm). The most sensitive dye rhodopsin has a peak response at 500 nm. Sensitivity decreases at red or blue wavelengths. Therefore, these low-power laser designators are not useful for pointing at stars/planets like an astronomy club during observation sessions, as there is no surface to hit the beam and you can see the spots. Let him see it.

2021-11-04 08:39:54

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