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Red laser pointer for cats



Cats also instinctively love chasing—and destroying—little red laser pointer that more realistically resemble mice and bugs. but most stuffed playthings are too inert to carry the joy of the hunt.however what the feline realise is that shines the beam on the flooring - so regardless of its decided and agile makes an attempt to seize it, or not it's at all times out of reach.





Psychological effects of laser pointers
Playing with laser light toys might also impact your furry friend's psyche. As International Cat Care explains, toys such as laser pointer 5000mw might frustrate your cat. Because cats are natural-born hunters, they can get frustrated if they aren't able to complete their hunting sequence by pouncing and catching their prey — or, in this case, the laser light.

The reason cats love laser pointers in the first place is that the quick movements of the dot of light mimic the motions of a living creature. According to Psychology Today, "cats chase the laser pointer's dot of light because it changes direction and speed. Cats see the moving dot as alive and worth catching."

Laser pointers can also be dangerous if your cat chases them and is not paying attention to their surroundings and runs into a wall or furniture. Or if they knock something over it could harm them or potentially break something in your home. If you do decide to use a Rechargeable Laser Pointer make sure to do so in an open space where they're not likely to harm themselves.

2022-02-15 11:05:57

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