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The development of navy shipborne laser pointer weapons

At present, the Navy is developing ship-borne laser weapons based on fiber laser pointer, slab solid-state lasers, and free electron lasers through three projects: "Laser Weapon System," "Marine Laser Demonstration System," and "Free Electron Laser". ...

Realize the actual deployment of laser pointer weapons on ships

Compared with traditional weapons, laser weapons have unique advantages such as speed, accuracy, immunity to electromagnetic interference, and high cost-effectiveness. They are regarded as future weapons that "change the rules of war", and their mili ...

The application prospects of navy shipborne laser pointer weapons

Judging from the current development of laser weapons, the Navy may become the first service to deploy laser pointer weapons among the three services. This is not only because the Navy has been advancing the development of laser weapons for a long ti ...

The laser pointer shows a wider range of applicability

These fiber lasers can be used as general processing tools in the field of industrial production. They show wider applicability than all other laser pointer before, because of their wide power and beam quality, as well as the possibility of flexible ...

Development of high-power fiber laser pointer with quality output

After entering 2000, the development of high-power fiber lasers that provide single-mode beam quality output through optical fibers can be said to be the most important development in the field of solid-state laser pointer technology. The development ...

The solid-state laser pointer requires the core diameter to be reduced

In the mid-nineties of the last century, the use of quartz on the end face of the optical fiber ushered in an important step in the development of optical fiber technology. The larger surface achieves a lower power density, which not only improves th ...

The elements of laser pointer cost of ownership continue to evolve and improve

The following factors determine the cost of ownership of the CO2 laser pointer source:   ● Gas consumption   ● Power consumption, especially during standby   ● Consumption of optical components (mainly beam output coupling components)   ● ...

Talking about the development history of laser pointer material processing

In the past 40 years, laser technology has written countless success stories in a wide range of applications, and even now there are many applications that could not be achieved without laser pointer. This article will introduce you to the developmen ...

Application of laser pointer processing technology in furniture industry

At present, laser processing technology has attracted much attention in the field of industrial manufacturing. Its advanced processes such as high-power thick plate cutting, fast thin plate cutting and precision welding of workpieces have been widely ...

Need to repair the laser or replace the crystal

Since both the laser crystal and the frequency conversion crystal have a certain damage threshold, the ultraviolet frequency conversion crystal is easily damaged by ultraviolet light during use. The area of ​​the crystal damaged by the ultraviolet ...