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Why is a 10mw laser pointer more powerful than a 20mw light bulb?



Lasers are different from ordinary light beams. Lasers are also called "stimulated radiation light amplification". It was originally proposed by Einstein. The principle is that electrons in atoms are excited to release photon beams with highly consistent optical characteristics. Compared with ordinary light sources, lasers are single The color, direction, and brightness are better. As a common pointing tool, laser pointers are very common in conference rooms. Pet owners often use them to tease cats and dogs. Outdoor astronomy enthusiasts use it to indicate stars. These laser pointers are generally very small, only a few milliwatts. It is often these inconspicuous little toys that cause irreversible physical injuries. Photons are elementary particles that carry energy. We can see light because our eyes receive the photon signal. Most of the light that we are exposed to is soft and divergent. According to the inverse square law, at a certain distance from the light source, the number of photons received by the eyes is limited, which will neither cause irritation nor cause harm, so we do not look directly at the bulb. Will produce discomfort.





The power of the high powered laser pointer is usually measured in milliwatts. In the United States, lasers are classified by the American National Standards Institute and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Visible light (wavelength 400nm~700nm) laser pointers with power less than 1 milliwatt belong to the second category; those with power between 1 milliwatt to 5 milliwatts belong to the third category A. According to the standard, products of Class III B laser (power 5mW ~ 500 mW) and Class IV laser (power greater than 500 mW) cannot be sold under the name of laser pointer. But in our country, many of the laser pointers and laser flashlights on the market belong to the third class B, and the power exceeds 5 milliwatts. For some high-power laser pointers, the diffused light may also cause damage to the eyes, and may even ignite flammable materials after focusing.

2021-11-22 06:49:29

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