Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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How does a laser pointer produce a unique laser beam

Laser pointer has narrow line width, can emit unique green laser pointer beam, has good coherence, good monochromaticity and perfect directivity. Therefore, laser designators are used in military and law enforcement equipment for target location and to measure range and speed. For example, optical laser devices are being used for range measurement, target Pointers for smart bombs on aircraft, target Pointers on rifles, beam riders for steering missiles, flash blinds for jamming missiles and pilots, gated observation in fog, green light submarine detection, etc. Military-designed laser Pointers are readily available in many corners of the application world. However, military laser Pointers are only real weapons on the job, not misplaced entertainment gadgets.



Traditional precision methods such as photolithography and electron beam photolithography are used to process glass, but these techniques are expensive to operate, especially in large areas. Today, high-power high powered laser pointer technology provides the most accurate glass processing method. The most straightforward method is to use single-photon absorption in the wavelength range, where the glass is not highly transparent in infrared or ultraviolet light. In recent years, an exciting alternative process has entered industrial use in which ultra-fast green generate subsecond pulses in the near-infrared wavelength range. In this method, the ultra short pulse closely focus on most of the surface of glass or number per square centimeter of power density than ceramic tile, cause the multiphoton absorption at the same time, avalanche and impact ionization process of complex and diverse, resulting in a glass substrate was damaged highly localized, and almost no energy deposition (only a few micro focus or less).

2021-12-20 11:54:32

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