Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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The market direction of laser pointer

In the past, green laser pointers were only used in our daily life, and only as a presentation tool in teaching, speeches, presentations, business meetings, conferences, etc. In some cases, even brief eye contact with a red or green laser pointer can have dire consequences. Peter Herring of the Institute of Laser Medicine at the University of Düsseldorf said: "I've heard that pilots illuminated by a laser pointer can't see anything for a minute or a few seconds. Compared to the previous laser market, Laser pointers have moved towards higher output power and multiple colors. At the same time, a large number of manufacturers and distributors have withdrawn from the laser pointer market, making laser pointers a mass market. Since high power laser pointer are available in several different colors, the These gadgets can be displayed in a spectacular laser show for the whole family at home. Playing some music can help participants get into the right mood, and turning off the lights is a must.



Lasers of shorter wavelengths have greater losses in the atmosphere, so green laser pointers are easier to see than red laser beams. The green laser is more easily absorbed by the dust in the air, and the green laser pointer is more easily reflected, so the beam of the green laser pointer is more obvious than the red laser pointer. But at the same time, blue lasers become more expensive than other lasers as application advantages increase. In fact, it is difficult for ordinary people to pay for them. The base price of these lasers is $700 compared to the measured price of $60 to $100 for red lasers. So you can see that it is not easy to have, the choice of green laser pointer light source may be due to the high wavelength selectivity and high spectral brightness of the laser light source, more than 90% of the natural color gamut coverage can be seen in the human eye to achieve perfect color reproduction. At the same time, the laser light source has high brightness and long service life, which greatly reduces the maintenance cost of the latter. So many laser pointers are red to buy so cheap today because the diodes, including the specular layer, are easily vaporized and cut in mass production. Depending on the effort and requirements for optical purity, quality and price can vary widely.

2022-01-12 12:46:04

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