Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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The relationship between laser pointer power and visibility

200mW is the starting point of the beam that can be seen in an actual day. The higher the power of the high power laser pointer, the better the visibility. At least 200 MW is a good starting point for shooting trees or shooting ranges. But the higher the intensity, the better the effect during the day. Using a laser that widens or narrows the beam for focus adjustment is also a smart option. For other applications, like presentations, you can go for something with less power, since you'll no doubt be using a laser on a blackboard or whiteboard projection screen, so you can be lighter. No matter where you are facing the sun directly, if you are not sure, it is wiser to use high power than low power. The intensity of the beam can be increased by making it thinner or more concentrated. This will make it more visible during the day.

The laser is more stable, with higher luminous intensity and longer life. The heating effect can be maximized by adjusting the focal length of the laser pointer and focusing the laser. Typically, the focal range of the laser is within 1 meter of the exit.



How far can a laser pointer illuminate?

In theory, the irradiation can reach tens of thousands of meters in a vacuum environment, but due to the different air density in each area, the air is thin, and beautiful areas can be illuminated far away. Compared with the traditional red high-power laser pointer, the green laser can see clearly in bright and even dark places, and the beam range is farther. The introduction of green laser pointers greatly reduces the production cost of modules. High-power green laser pointer Popular stores A portable pen type, not only the best choice for lighting, but also for many business trips in conference presentations, seminars, study groups, etc. Therefore, it is not possible to clearly define the specific scope according to the region. The light is bright. Green lasers are about 10 times brighter than red lasers. If you want a brighter one, choose green. good direction. It's very focused. The divergence of the laser beam is about 1000 times that of the illuminating light. The transmitted pulses are shortened only when they are all fired at the same time. However, each of them is randomly synchronized according to the spontaneous emission that produced it. To solve this problem, a "saturable absorber" was added to the cavity. This is when the pattern spreads over time and is opaque at low light intensities, but passes through the strongest, ie the pattern occurs. It happens at the same time.

2022-01-14 10:20:34

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