Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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Green laser pointer for many purposes



Because the green laser pointer has the advantages of strong beam brightness and long visual distance, it is preferred to be used in the production of stars and celestial light and telescope observation in astronomy. Green laser pointer is widely used in biology, industry, printing, medical, storage, display, military and other fields. Green laser designators use green lasers in many applications. Green laser pointer for many purposes. From 2009, the remote control distance of the Laser pointer produced in Guangzhou to the computer is about 20m. Green laser Pointers are widely used in astronomy because the naked eye is most sensitive to green beams at 532nm. In industry, add ytterbium green pulse generator peak power is very high, can be used in beacon, welding, engraving and other fields. In military, green laser is used for laser guidance, laser air defense, etc.





Because the human eye is more sensitive to other colors than green. Military experts use this property to create green lasers. It produces lasers that make people dizzy. Long-term exposure can cause short-term blindness for several hours. Because its name has a very intuitive strong beam, it is mainly used as an indicator. Because the light beam is bright and anti-aliased, the green laser pointer is used more in teaching, astronomy and other aspects.

2021-08-24 13:00:37

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