Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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Be careful with sharp laser dots



Irradiating the skin with a high-intensity laser pointer will burn the cells on the skin's surface. Laser pointers sold on the Internet usually have very high power, and can even light matches, cigarettes, clothing, etc., which may cause a fire hazard. Consumers are usually not aware that Laser pointer can ignite other objects, so there is a greater safety hazard. It is not advisable to buy laser pointers for children to use as toys. During operation, avoid being careful with sharp laser dots irradiating eyes, skin, clothes and other places. my country has a radiation power limit requirement for lasers in toys, that is, the output power is less than 0.4 milliwatts. The reporter searched on the Internet and found that most of the laser page turning pens used for projector demonstrations are larger than 1 milliwatt, and some even reach 5 milliwatts. The harm of the laser pointer is mainly for the eyes, and irradiating the eyes with the laser pointer will damage the retina on the surface of the eye, and even risk of blindness. However, the laser pointer used at home usually does not cause harm to the human body because of its low power. So be careful with sharp laser dots.


Light Source



Sharp laser dots have photothermal effect, photoionization effect and photochemical effect, any of which can cause harm to human eyes. Especially in children, the eye tissue is delicate and delicate. Once the laser beam reaches the macula of the retina, it will cause serious and irreversible damage to the eye. If it is exposed for a long time, it may even cause blindness.

2021-08-27 10:13:00

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