Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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Do you know how to increase laser pointer power?



Laser power, that is, laser energy density or laser power density. How to increase the power of the Laser pointer. There are two ways. The first type: Q-switching technology. There are many ways to change the loss of the laser pointer, such as rotating mirror Q, electro-optic Q, acousto-optic Q, saturated absorption Q and so on. Taking electro-optic Q-switching as an example, the newly added devices in the laser are polarizers and electro-optic crystals, and then the electro-optic crystals are controlled periodically to make the polarization direction and the previous polarizer direction periodically change: parallel or perpendicular. Polarization principle: When the polarizers are parallel, all light passes; when the polarizers are orthogonal (that is, perpendicular), all light is intercepted. When all the light is intercepted, it means that the loss of the laser pointer is very, very large. Q-switching technology can generally increase the peak power by 2 orders of magnitude, reaching the order of 10^6W (MW) (^ means power), and the pulse width is on the order of nanoseconds.





The second type of clamping technology. If you need to increase the peak power of the laser pointer and shorten the pulse width, the Q-switching technology will not be realized. Then the mold-locking technology came out. Mode locking, also called phase locking, as the name suggests, is to lock the mode of the laser pointer, or lock the phase of the laser. Recall the principle of interference: When electromagnetic waves (light) meet certain conditions: the phase difference (optical path difference) is constant and the vibration direction is the same, interference will occur. When the phase difference between the longitudinal modes (ie frequencies) of different lasers is locked, most of the energy will be concentrated to the interference enhancement, which is the time-domain distribution of the light intensity of the ordinary unlocked phase. In this way, the pulse width can be compressed to the order of picoseconds or even to the order of sub-femtoseconds, and the power can reach the order of 10^9W (GW).

2021-09-14 11:41:24

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