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What are the characteristics of high laser pointers?



Laser is another major invention of mankind since the 20th century, after relaying atomic energy, computers, and semiconductors in the field of science and technology. It can be called one of the "four great inventions" of the new era. Einstein proposed a whole set of stimulated emission amplification theory in 1917, and it was not until 1960 that the first laser was officially published. Of course, there have been many twists and turns, but since the day of its birth, due to a series of excellent characteristics of lasers, people have predicted that lasers will have a profound impact on human civilization. At present, laser applications have spread across physics, astronomy, biomedicine, industrial manufacturing, communications, military and other fields. As small as a laser pointer, as large as the National Ignition Device (NIF) series of devices are lasers used to generate specific lasers. Laser generation is not our ultimate goal, what are we pursuing now? Higher power and higher quality high laser pointers are then applied to more fields.





There is no doubt that the higher the Laser pointer, the shorter the time, the higher the power, the better the effect (almost to say "good"). An attentive friend may have found another spot. Will the laser hit a spot on you and hit your whole person have the same effect? Different. Obviously, the result came out. What we are looking for is the laser power per unit area (unit: W/m2), that is, the laser energy density or laser power density. Then high-power laser pointers generally have two characteristics: First: the Q value is very high, which is a technology that compresses the laser energy into a very narrow pulse, thereby increasing the peak power of the laser light source by several orders of magnitude (pulse Width refers to time, usually what we call femtosecond laser is a laser whose pulse width is on the order of femtosecond). second

2021-09-14 11:45:42

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