Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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The best laser pointer commonly seen in the military



The idea of ​​using light as a weapon can be traced back to Hippocrates, commander of the Greek forces in 212 BC. His troops are said to use mirrors to focus the sun on the sails of the Roman fleet. Weapon systems based on lasers and "ray guns" have long been the main components of science fiction and have attracted the imagination of people all over the world. However, with the development of lasers in the past 50 years, laser weapon systems have become a reality, and the best laser pointers in the military have also emerged. They can be used in many occasions and are convenient for everyone.Up to now, the existing laser weapons are continuous wave lasers. These devices continuously emit energy beams to the target, heating the surface of the target until the target melts. The first such weapon was manufactured by the US Navy in 2014. After continuous improvement, the "Laser Weapon System Demonstrator" (LWSD) system was formed. These laser devices installed on warships were tested in May last year.





Solid-state lasers use solid-state laser materials as working materials. Generally, optically transparent crystals or glass are used as matrix materials, doped with active ions or other active materials. There are mainly ruby ​​lasers, neodymium glass lasers and Na...YAG lasers. Among them, the glass laser working substance is easy to be made into a uniform large-size material for high-energy or high-peak power lasers, but the fluorescence spectrum is wide and the thermal efficiency is poor, and it is not suitable for working at high average power. The crystal laser substance has good thermal and mechanical properties, and has a narrow fluorescence spectrum, but it is not easy to obtain crystals of large-size materials. The solid-state laser uses crystal or glass as the laser medium, and is driven by electric energy. It has a compact structure, low cost, wide range of uses, and strong adaptability, and is suitable for compact weapon systems. Although solid-state lasers cannot reach the megawatt-level power like chemical lasers, the best military Laser pointer have a big advantage, which is that they can penetrate the atmosphere more easily than chemical lasers.

2021-09-14 11:51:40

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