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UK law on the purchase of laser pointers



Britain enacted a law six years ago, making it a crime to hurt a pilot's eyes with a laser pointer. Laser is now widely used in our daily life. They can be used at home, in the workplace, and in many different applications. Laser is a valuable scientific tool in materials, medicine and forensic research. Since the mid-1960s, they have played an important role in medicine and industry and have been used for recreational purposes. Lasers are also used in domestic products that can "see" lasers, such as medical equipment and even toys. Laser pointers and pointers have also entered the family, commonly known as "toys".





However, it has been found that some "toy laser pointers" are more acceptable than unrestricted use, and may cause eye damage and other injuries. Laser pointers sold in the UK should be classified according to current UK laser safety standards. This document specifies the requirements of the Laser pointer manufacturer to minimize the risk of accidental exposure by using engineering control functions and product labels, and specifies the minimum requirements for providing product information to ensure its safe use. The user's Guide of this standard also contains suggestions on procedure control and specific category training requirements for users of laser products. In the UK, the federal performance standards for laser pointers have similar requirements, but there are differences between the two. If it is suspected that the product is mislabeled or the product classification is in doubt, the measurement shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of British standards to determine the actual laser level to which the equipment should be assigned. For the public, there is no simple test method to determine the radiation power of laser products. Visual inspection of the laser product or its laser output will not provide any indication of the level of the equipment.

2021-09-18 06:33:38

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