Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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Have you seen several different color lasers?



Most people did not think too much about lasers at the time, but technological advances led to further development of its use and application in various fields. Today, lasers have become a necessity in mining and construction sites around the world, and an important innovation in the field of medicine. Due to limited options, buying lasers used to be easy, but now more research is needed. Lasers now come in different colors—green, red, blue, and yellow—and they work in different ways too.





Laser pointer is a general term, which can be divided into green, red, blue, blue-violet, and yellow according to the color. Red and green are the most common. Yellow laser pointers are unstable and efficient due to the complex manufacturing process. Low, extremely rare in the market. Since the human eye has the most sensitive spectrum in the green region, it seems to be brighter than other colors, while the red or blue wavelength sensitivity decreases. Therefore, the green laser pointer is the most widely used color Laser pointer.

2021-09-22 12:18:24

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