Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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A new type of cat laser toy



The Laser pointer emits incredibly bright light. If the laser is directed at cat eyes or human eyes, it may cause eye injuries and vision problems, and the damage to cat eyes by laser is much higher than that to humans. The laser pointer is the only gameplay for cats, so because it can never catch the prey, frustration will begin to accumulate. Therefore, in order to prevent the cat from showing upset, after using the laser to tease the cat, it is necessary to provide snack rewards or other physical cat toys for it to play in time, such as catnip toys, cat funny sticks, etc.





Both humans and cats have two types of visual cells: cone cells and rod cells. Broadly speaking, cone cells participate in color vision and have the ability to focus and distinguish details, while rod cells are responsible for the detection of vision and motion in low light conditions. Humans have more cones than cats, and cats have more rods than humans. Therefore, even if the light is very dark, the cat's eye is also very good at capturing motion. Therefore, fast-moving prey in dim light is almost impossible to ignore for cats. Not all laser pointers have very serious safety issues. The CFR (United States Federal Regulations) has very detailed regulations for laser products, and laser products are divided into the following levels. Class I laser radiation is considered non-hazardous. Class IIa laser radiation is basically harmless if the total viewing time is less than or equal to 1000 seconds. However, if it is greater than or equal to 1000 seconds, there will be chronic visual damage. Class II laser radiation is considered to cause chronic visual damage. Class IIIa laser radiation is based on the degree of radiation, which can cause acute visual damage or chronic observation damage when viewed in the beam. When viewing directly with optical instruments, it will cause serious visual damage. Class IIIb laser radiation can cause serious damage when it hits the skin and eyes directly. Class IV laser radiation can cause serious damage when it is directed or scattered on the skin and eyes.

2021-09-22 12:20:19

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