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Are laser pointers allowed in Germany?



In Germany, laser pointers are allowed. It does not matter which performance class the laser marker belongs to. The only requirement is that the device is for private use and that third parties will not be harmed. In Germany, laser devices that operate freely in the room and are only used for light projection can only be sold on the market at most, provided they are laser class 2 M. This applies to laser pointers, but also to lasers used as adjustment aids or distance measuring devices.





Separate from the license to own a laser pointer is a question of whether it is possible to buy all grades of laser pointers in Germany. This requires a negative answer. According to Article 3 (2) of the Product Safety Law, products can only be sold on the market if they are used in an expected or foreseeable manner without endangering people's safety and health. If the danger cannot be ruled out, the product is prohibited from being sold in Germany. This applies to all Laser pointer with a power higher than 1mW (hazard levels 3R ​​to 4). There is a health hazard above this value. According to this, only 1 to 2M laser markers can be traded in Germany. You can check the alignment of the chain with the powerful laser pointer applied to the chain link. If this is correct, your rear wheels are also correctly positioned. The laser pointer cannot guarantee that the housing is parallel to the laser beam. There are additional lasers for adjusting the chain with a precise flat surface, so that the laser beam is also parallel to the flat surface. Of course-if I allow myself to say that-the lasers in the classroom we are talking about here are really nothing to some enthusiasts playing on the scene... of course it is not a toy. I also started using lasers about 2 months ago with little idea-but I knew the dangers, so I was careful and thought about it beforehand.

2021-09-27 12:20:16

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