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Are laser Pointers bad for ferrets?



A ferret that is less interested in the Laser pointer may have a lower desire to hunt, meaning it will show this behavior in the wild unless its survival depends on it. Pet ferrets get their food from you instead of hunting for themselves, so hunting and catching may not be necessary for pet ferrets with low hunting abilities. But ferrets are very unlikely to ignore the laser pointer. Whether laser Pointers are good or bad for animals has long been debated. There are no easy answers. Although there are some benefits to using laser Pointers on certain animals, there are also some downsides, as described below.





Because chasing a laser pointer doesn't provide any closure for the animal, this could lead to neurosis in dogs, but not cats. They may become obsessed with light and shadow, causing them to exhibit destructive behavior. In extreme cases, the dog may bark in the light of the room and refuse to eat or sleep normally. When playing with the cat with the laser pointer, I was always careful to give the cat a physical toy to play with. I think it has no practical basis and putting them in a win-win situation where they can't really grab the bait could lead to frustration or aggression. Depending on your cat's fitness level, you may want to start slowly. First, aim the laser pointer a few feet away from the cat. Move it like prey until you attract the cat's attention. Imagine a mouse running around on the floor. Sometimes it goes straight, or into a corner, or back and forth. These laser pointer movements are likely to pique your cat's interest the fastest. Once your cat moves toward the beam, move a few more feet. Remember to let your cat catch light here and there. After your cat spots the light, let them study it for a while, then slowly move it away as if the "prey" is running away. The game will restart soon.

2021-10-08 09:01:10

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