Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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Astronomical green laser pointer wavelength



Generally, green light is not obtained directly by CHIP irradiation, but is converted from 808nm near-infrared laser to 1064nm laser, and then converted to green light by frequency conversion. Since 808nm is converted to 1064nm, there is a problem of conversion efficiency. Generally speaking, a conversion efficiency of 50% is very significant. For general cemented crystals, the conversion rate is estimated to be about 10%, so it is necessary to increase it. For green laser energy, a light source with a power greater than 808nm should be used.





Therefore, if the actual power of the ordinary green Laser pointer on the market is 200mw, the 808nm laser used will reach 2000mw, so the power is very high. You can imagine its price. Can you buy dozens of them? Dollars on the platform? Red 655/650nm is easier to handle and cheaper, but the beam profile is worse. This type of diode is usually not suitable for the light combination of more than two single diodes, so the red light power is limited. We use this type of diode in our budget system to get a very good value for money. The red is a bit dark.

2021-10-12 11:35:01

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