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What is the harm of a focused laser beam?



Above a certain level, high powered laser can cause serious eye damage. Their radiation is strongly bound and expands as it increases, just a little bit apart. As a result, at very close range, most of the laser beam is likely to enter the eye through the pupil. The eye also focuses the light on the retina. In the area of the retina, this creates a highly radioactive area, which can cause burns, retinal punctures or bleeding. The injury can severely damage a person's vision and one hand can be seen moving in front of her head. While the chance of recovery is possible, the risk of permanent damage to the eye is significant. If a focused laser beam hits the optic nerve, in the worst case, one eye can go blind.





Laser Pointers are classified into different levels of danger. Only the smallest category is absolutely safe. In category 2, eye damage may occur if a person turns around or closes the irradiated eye without reflection within 1/4 of a second. Therefore, it is mainly children who are attracted to the light source and can stare at the laser beam for a long time. For 3R, 3B and 4 laser Pointers with higher laser levels, eye damage is likely or certain. To make matters worse, the laser pointer is usually brighter than expected for its category. Radiation from laser Pointers can blind the eyes. This can cause irritation, short-term vision loss and more lasting hallucinations. Among other things, the latter can cause people's colors to be either wrong or unrecognizable at all. This glare can seriously hurt people because it will affect their environment and they will no longer have correct visual perception.

2021-10-25 09:20:20

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