Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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High-powered laser Pointers all around us?



Laser pointer technology has come a long way in the past few decades, when large boxed units have been replaced by high-power laser Pointers, which are more convenient and cheaper than bulky lasers. If you buy lasers from the market, you can choose from a variety of options, such as supplier, model, function, price, etc. In general, the power of the laser pointer is 1000MW and should be designed into a 0.5mm thin line with a working distance of 0.5m. The green laser pointer is always equipped with optical glass lenses to ensure ultra-clear red lines. Qualified 2000mW laser Pointers consistently perform best on clear and precise target surfaces.





The 635-nm red high powered laser pointer is not as obvious as the green laser, and could be used for school education, star markers and formal demonstrations of astronomical research. Laser safety glasses are not necessary. Also, no matter what type of laser pointer you point at, don't try to point it at moving vehicles, planes, and airplanes. There will be a large, sharp laser beam, temporarily blinding. Whenever a pen-laser device is pointed at, do not let it fall into the wrong hands or overuse it. This basic question has helped you get a clear idea of what type of laser you like best. For presentations, business meetings, teaching, or simple presentations in PowerPoint, a laser pointer with a lower power output is usually sufficient. For military, astronomical or scientific research, such as stargazing, rescue, camping, etc., need to choose the green laser diode with higher output power, because the high power laser pen can make the beam laser is still visible.

2021-11-09 12:39:08

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