Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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Why use 5mw laser pointer more?



Since the advent of laser, it has been a controversial topic. Everyone pays close attention to the danger of laser and the safety of its operation. Laser danger is not as terrible as we think, as long as we have a general understanding of laser safety knowledge. This 650nm red laser pointer is not as obvious as the green laser, and is sufficient for formal demonstrations in schools, stellar research, and astronomy. It is reported that the low-power red laser does not need to wear laser protective glasses. In addition, no matter what type of laser pointer you point at, don't try to look at moving vehicles, airplanes, or airplanes. There will be a huge sharp laser beam, temporarily dazzling. Whenever people point to a pen laser device, do not fall into the wrong hands or abuse it.





A 5000mW green high powered laser is achievable, but it is usually not a pen shape. Some 5W 532nm/520nm lasers on the market cost thousands of dollars. Therefore, they are usually used in professional fields such as scientific experiments, ultra-long-distance positioning, and airport bird control systems. If a 5000mW green laser pointer is needed, its volume is very large and it is difficult to achieve the best stability. Before buying, you need to choose different powers for different purposes.

2021-11-10 12:02:46

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