Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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How to know the location of laser cutting?



The semiconductor laser beam is a flat-top beam, and the spatial distribution of the cross-sectional intensity is relatively uniform. Compared with YAG lasers, semiconductor lasers can achieve better uniformity and better welding quality in plastic welding applications, and can perform a wide range of seam welding. Welding applications do not require high power of semiconductor lasers, generally 50-700W, beam quality is less than 100mm/mRad, and spot size is 0.5-5mm. Welding with this technique will not damage the surface of the workpiece. Except at night when the readability is incredible and the humidity is almost zero, if you point an environmentally friendly laser pointer at the sky, you will be able to adapt to a beam of several meters high. For you and everyone around you, it feels like the light is ending on the giant star or planet you are aiming at. This makes it easier to show someone the selected celestial body.





Since the advent of high powered laser, it has been a controversial topic. Everyone pays close attention to the danger of laser and the safety of its operation. Laser danger is not as terrible as we think, as long as we have a general understanding of laser safety knowledge. In recent years, we have seen an increase in the number of injuries caused by laser pointers. They sometimes cause severe retinal damage and irreversible blindness. These injuries usually come from misleading or misclassified lasers that are publicly available on the market. This is an urgent problem: more than 7 cases of people under the age of 18 now have to endure permanent vision loss (read more about these 7 cases), all of which have only occurred in the past 4 years! The danger of laser pointers is real, and the situation has not improved.

2021-11-10 12:04:11

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