Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

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The problem of laser pointer attacks arouses people's attention



The police found a man in Essen from a helicopter who reportedly used a Laser pointer to blind several planes in the airspace above Düsseldorf Airport on Thursday night. As a police spokesperson announced on Friday, German air traffic control reported the first laser pointer attack to law enforcement officers at around 10:15 pm. On Sunday, protesters in Cairo invented something similar to a new type of laser show: from the crowd in front of the presidential palace, dozens or even hundreds of laser pointers aimed at a military helicopter, and then aimed it at it before the crew arrived. Pointing was too hot and they turned it off. It may be angry, but luckily it doesn't, which is why you can marvel at the video as an aesthetic phenomenon after a break.





With the rapid increase in the number of incidents year by year and the threat spreading to peacekeeping agencies around the world, strengthening legislation and supervision seems inevitable. Commercial laser users are well-known that there are long-standing huge loopholes in current laser technology regulations, which makes it completely legal to purchase potentially dangerous higher power lasers. This not only means that the sales flow of laser technology is not fully regulated, but also means that the laser power that changes hands in the open market is relatively unrestricted. The security parameters of the device may not be completely clear to the user, or it may be easily used for malicious purposes. However, as long as it is not advertised for pointer or laser beam display purposes, higher power handheld lasers can be obtained and are legally legal. In addition, independent research has shown that many, if not most, commercially available laser pointers are misclassified. Their power output often exceeds the compliance value specified in the corresponding US regulations (Federal Regulations) [x]. In addition to these legal deficiencies, it is still difficult for law enforcement agencies to prosecute illegally marked or sold lasers.

2021-09-28 09:40:49

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