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How to use a laser pointer to drive away annoying crows?



Graz hunters have been using special Laser pointer to fight against the "crow plague", and the use of laser pointers is about performing this operation automatically. Obviously, crows can cause great harm. Whether it is for our health or for the exterior walls of our houses, pigeons are a serious problem. Potential pathogens in crow droppings may be the most problematic, but property damage should not be underestimated. Dealing with crows with a laser pointer is an automatic laser repelling of birds. It scans the affected environment, such as roofs, balconies or railings, for crows that are completely autonomous and requires no manual operation, and uses laser pointers to send the crows to flight. Of course, such a laser pointer is also suitable for other unwanted birds.





Birds see the laser beam as a physical hazard of approaching. Once the laser spot is below the escape distance, they will run away. Compared with traditional scare-off methods, there is no habitual effect here, because birds must follow their flight instincts. By continuing to use the laser, the birds will classify the area as an unsafe area after a period of time and will not return. By continuing to use the laser, the birds will classify the area as an unsafe area after a period of time and will not return.

2021-09-28 09:41:08

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