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Why does laser pointer 5000mv cause vision loss



Sometimes laser pointer 5000mw injuries are incorrectly characterized as causing “blindness” when the person actually has some visual ability.Treatment should begin after the injury, ideally within the first day or two. Fortunately, since lesions seem to remain active for days or even weeks after the exposure, even late treatment -- starting days or even weeks later -- would still be beneficial.





Discuss the level to use when reducing vision

Below are recommended levels to use when discussing vision loss. These levels, blue laser pointerand their effect on vision and functional ability, are described in detail in a 2002 report prepared for the International Council of Ophthalmology entitled “Visual Standards – Aspects and Ranges of Vision Loss.”

LOW VISION (“Lesser degrees of vision loss, where individuals can be helped significantly by vision enhancement aids and devices.”)
Minimal vision loss
Mild vision loss
Moderate vision loss
Severe vision loss
BLINDNESS (“Total vision loss and conditions where individuals have to rely predominantly on vision substitution skills.”)
Profound vision loss
Near-total vision loss (near blindness)
Total vision loss (total blindness)

2022-02-11 10:19:50

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