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300mW Laser Track Lighting

Purchase the most wonderful 300mW Laser Track Lighting in this page, which promises you top quality, adorable price, shipping service. More new arrivals have been provided here for new and old consumers. Products day by day are different but perfect. Buy the cheapest but latest 300mW Laser Track Lighting from our shop, one leading 300mw laser pointer wholesaler in China, which offers you best service and delicate products. Once ordered, every single product will be delivered in time as soon as possible. Wish you enjoy shopping online at HTPOW.

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One patient of mine suffered a severe fracture of the left ankle five years ago. Surgical stabilization was required, using metal plates and screws. Ever since, this patient has suffered chronic pain, swelling, and the inability to walk properly. I used a 5mW laser on the ankle. One week later, he told me with amazement that his ankle pain was markedly diminished as well as the swelling (which was clearly visible). He even walked with less hesitation. I now use the 55mW on the ankle and it continues to respond favorably. The same can be said (again using your 55mW laser) for a 68-year-old female patient with tennis-ball-sized-swelling of an ankle, the result of altered venous drainage due to an old fracture of the tibia.

Unfortunately, this laser is not FDA approved for medical use in the US. Physicians in many other countries are not so restrained. This type of treatment may be of particular interest to the Chinese medical community, which uses procedures such as acupuncture anesthesia for surgery and other procedures that are considered "alternative medicine" in the US, and are accepted only reluctantly.