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Infrared, or IR for short, is extremely dangerous because it is invisible to the human eye. Despite not being visible, IR rays can still pass through the anterior structures of the eye and reach the retina. Since you are unable to detect IR, there will not be any blink or aversion reflex to protect your eyes from damage. This damage can be done even by modest power lasers without any immediate symptoms. Only later, will the damage become evident as your brain will initially fill in for the damaged receptors. As the cells in your eyes do not regenerate, you must be careful not to damage your eyes.

Ultraviolet laser products have primarily been used in advanced research and development and industrial manufacturing. UV lasers and optical emitters are also used in biotechnology and medical markets that require sterilization and disinfectant devices that require light sources from within the wavelength of Ultraviolet. Lasers in the UV range, same as those emitted by the sun, have very destructive capabilities. Lasers that are developed using ultraviolet under DPSS circuitry contain crystals from Nd:YAG/Nd:YVO4 garnet and are excellent choices in micro-machining applications and are often used in the manufacturing of printed circuit boards and consumer electronics.